

Drug checking service (SAS) – Report from June and July 2022

Drug checking service (SAS) Report on samples checked in June and July 2022 In June and July we maintained our partnerships with Spectre de Rue, Centre SIDA-Secours, Maison Benoit-Labre, and Dopamine's supervised [...]

By |17/08/2022|Categories: Reports|Tags: |0 Comments

Drug checking service (SAS) – Report from April and May 2022

Drug checking service (SAS) Report on samples analyzed in April and May 2022 In addition to continuing our collaboration with Spectre de Rue, Centre SIDA-Secours, and Maison Benoit-Labre, in May, we started [...]

By |27/06/2022|Categories: Reports|Tags: |0 Comments

Drug Checking Service (SAS) – Report for February and March 2022

Report on samples tested in February and March 2022 In addition to maintaining our collaboration with Plein Milieu and Refuge Hôtel-Dieu, in February we began offering our drug checking service in partnership with [...]

By |27/04/2022|Categories: Reports|Tags: |0 Comments

Joints-toi à notre équipe d’intervenant.e.s- bénévoles

Tu as des disponibilités pour l'été 2022 et t'intéresse à :  Développer/ partager tes connaissances sur les drogues, leurs effets et les meilleurs moyens de réduire les risques associés à leur consommation L'intervention [...]

By |05/04/2022|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments
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