
Professional training and conferences

Our trainings are mostly offered in french. The trainings that we offer are mainly intended for professionals from the school, secondary and post-secondary sectors and for professionals from various sectors where information on drugs is relevant (festive environments, intervention environments, etc.). They can also be offered directly to the student population in post-secondary education settings (vocational, college or university). The approach used in the creation and delivery of training is always harm reduction, but the content can be adapted to the needs of participants.

Our training programs cover topics such as sexual violence, consent, the effects of substances, prevention and harm reduction, Fentanyl and Naloxone test strips, intervention in festive environments, drugs and academic performance, as well as many other relevant subjects.

To access our full catalog of informative resources, please click on the button below.

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Training at the GRIP

The GRIP team is reintroducing customized training sessions in its premises starting from winter 2024, with the aim of sharing our knowledge about a subject that is close to our hearts: harm reduction in festive environments. This project will allow interested individuals to register on an individual basis. These sessions will be offered both in-person and online. In the following pages, you will find information about the various training topics, dates, as well as a brief description of each. You will also find information about pricing and promotions.

To find information about pricing and promotions, the various training topics that will be covered, the dates, as well as a brief description of each training session, click on the button below and access our complete directory.

To make a request for our services, please email