Project against sexual violence and harassment
To make a request for our services, write to spotlight@grip-prevention.ca
What is Spotlight ?
The Spotlight project is our service for sexual violence prevention in festive environments. Although within GRIP, we have always adhered to these values, we are now officiallly offering this service, and Spotlight came to life in 2021.

Our objective ?
- Promoting the safety and well-being of festival-goers and being an agent of change in the culture of festive environments
- Preventing sexual violence and intimate violence
- Supporting individuals who experience or witness sexual violence by focusing on their needs and choices
This service is offered in three forms: A SAFER SPACE, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION.
Safer Space
This space aims to be a sanctuary for individuals who feel unsafe, have been a victim or a witness of a sexual violence or an act of discrimination.
Its purpose is to restore a sense of security to participants in events. The intervention workers present on site will also support them through this experience by helping them implement solutions to return to a balanced state of mind.

Our team of intervention workers is trained to identify situations of sexual violence using the ACTIVE BYSTANDER approach. They then intervene in potential situations of sexual violence or discrimination.
If anyone does not feel respected or safe during an event, they can approach an intervention worker from GRIP to seek help and support
The actions of GRIP aim to promote a culture of consent in festive environments by initiating discussions about inequalities and sexual violence with participants and event organizers. This is achieved through the distribution of preventive tools and sexual health materials to individuals. We also offer adapted trainings to event organizers

To make a request for a training on harassment and sexual violences and write to spotlight.recherche@grip-prevention.ca