With your contribution, you are not only helping people who use drugs, but also helping us as an organization to maintain our autonomy, which is essential to the continuation of our work.
Here are some examples of contributions, but don’t hesitate to contact us if you have an idea that is not on the list!
Become a member
Being a member of GRIP means, among other things:
- Enabling innovative harm reduction practices;
- Encouraging access to accurate information about substances;
- Promoting access to services for all people who use drugs;
- Fighting stigma and discrimination;
- Acting on the overdose crisis;
- Supporting the autonomy and democratic life of the GRIP.

Amazon Wishlist
Would you like to contribute to the improvement of our services through a specific purchase?
We have created a wish list on Amazon Canada so you can choose the product that will help us! The product will be shipped directly to our office and we can provide you with a donation receipt for your purchase.
Equipment Donation
Since our services are so diverse, we have a variety of equipment needs. Whether it’s items to help us get organized in the office, to house our team while camping at Quebec festivals or underground raves, or donations for the communities that benefit from our services, we are happy to accept!
If you wish to make a donation, write to
Activity Reports
Want to know more about how we put your donations to work? Check out our activity reports right here!